Friday, April 10, 2009

Quick Ry update

Not much new news on Rylan and her reflux. We are pretty much stuck with the May 12th appointment with the urologist. I will continue to call to see if they have any cancellations, but if not that ok. We can wait. I did get clarity on the grade of her reflux. I believe she has a grade 3 on one side and a grade 4 on the other side. At lest that is what I deducted from talking to the nurse. They aren't always the most knowledgeable. Ry did start her daily antibiotics this week. She isn't a big fan of it. I did have a talk with a friend who is pharmasist and she said the the antibiotic that Ry is on won't make it so that she becomes immune to anitibiotics. She said it is one she could stay on for years without it hurting her immune system. That was a relief to hear. I was really worried that this could keep her from responding in the future to antibiotics if needed. For those of you who want more info on exactly what the reflux is and possilbe outcomes or treatments, here is a great link to read all about it.

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