Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Ok so we aren't actually moving yet, but hopefully we will be this summer. Aaron, Lynlee and I will be in the Dallas area this weekend to check out houses and interview at some schools. Soooooo, I thought we could all get together maybe Saturday night. I know not all of yall have met Lynlee yet, and she told me she was dying to meet you guys. We are interviewing at Granbury and Mansfield, so if you have heard anything bad about either of those school districts let me know. Its hard to know figure out if its a good district in one day, so any input would be great. Ok well get back to me about the weekend. Hope to see yall.

1 comment:

Kamille said...

I am so excited about you possibly moving here! I don't know any specifics about either of those districts but I think they are pretty good. I hope you get a job in Mansfield (that's closer to me:)! )